A Moody 31 Marine Survey for insurance renewal purposes at Chichester Marina. These Marine Projects built Moody yachts are now of an age where the vessel’s insurers will ask for a basic survey every 3 to 5 years. The insurance survey can be a cut down survey compared to a full condition survey, also known as a pre-purchase survey, details can be found on the scope section.

Items for a marine surveyor to particularly watch out for on these Moody yachts, while well built, can include corroded keel studs, the access on these twin keelers can be difficult, and possible moisture ingress into the end grain balsa core for the deck and coachroof, particularly if any enthusiastic owner has added new deck fittings and not sealed the fastenings well. Overall, sturdy vessels that are now reaching an age when maintenance requirements will increase, but proving to be generally well built.