Hallberg Rassy 40 & Registration

Hallberg Rassy 40 & Registration

This Hallberg Rassy 40 was a full pre-purchase survey including sea trial by Solent Marine Surveys. The yacht was located in Neustadt on the Baltic in Germany The vessel was EU VAT paid and as the new owners were looking to keep her in the Baltic on the North East...
Princess V39 & Powder Coatings

Princess V39 & Powder Coatings

Solent Marine Surveys carried out a pre-purchase survey on this Princess V39 at Hamble Point Marina. Brokered by Parker Adams Boat Sales in Hamble. Like many Princess Yachts vessels this one presented itself well and was structurally sound overall. Albeit with some...
Moisture readings & meters

Moisture readings & meters

Partial surveys (or limited scope surveys) usually relate to a particular point of concern. A frequent concern Solent Marine Surveys is asked to investigate is the moisture level to a hull laminate below the waterline, or to elsewhere such as a rudder, bulkhead,...
Princess F50 Pre Purchase Survey

Princess F50 Pre Purchase Survey

Solent Marine Surveys carried out a pre purchase survey of this nearly new Princess F50. The survey was initially conducted while afloat at Premier Swanwick Marina and then ashore in the hoist slings at Premier Universal Marina (a short motor downstream on the Hamble...
Pre-purchase survey Najad 400

Pre-purchase survey Najad 400

The pre-purchase survey of this Najad 400 by Solent Marine Surveys identified that the GRP rudder needed refurbishment. The rudder was damaged with voids and splits present. Not unsurprisingly, the moisture readings that were taken to the rudder indicated a high level...